Storyįirewatch follows the story of a volunteer fire lookout in the aftermath of the Yellowstone fires of 1988. Henry (voiced by Mad Men actor Rich Sommer) is a lookout in the Shoshone National Forest. A good portion of the game is based on the lead developers’ growing up in rural Wyoming during the 1980’s and the team actually went on a camping trip in Yellowstone park in order to get a better feel for the environment for the title.
The developers have taken what they learned worked in other games and applied it to Firewatch. The walkie-talkie interaction in Firewatch is inspired by the dialog system from The Walking Dead. In mid-2015, the team pushed back the release date until February 9, 2016.
#Firewatch game wiki mac
The game will also be brought to the Mac and PC. In June 2015, the team put on a display at E3 and confirmed that they would be bringing the game to PlayStation 4 as the only console version. At GDC, the company displayed a public playtest away from the main building and game artist, Jane Ng, hosted a panel on the design and aesthetic of the game entitled The Art of Firewatch. The game was announced in March of 2014 with a tentative release date of 2015. Moss has said that when he created the painting, he emulated National Park Service posters from the New Deal era in both color palette and iconography. Chris Remo was hired and brought in to compose the score.ĭevelopment for Firewatch began with a single painting by Moss and then Jane Ng, lead environment artist at Campo Santo, was tasked with translating Moss’ key art into 3D environments while maintaining his particular look and feel in the game. Moss, who had previously been known primarily for his graphic design work, joined Vanaman and Rodkin to found Campo Santo after spending many years working on the periphery of game development. Firewatch is the first video game from Campo Santo, which is a San Francisco-based studio started by Jake Rodkin and Sean Vanaman, who were the creative leads of Telltale Games’ The Walking Dead Season 1 Nels Anderson, the lead designer of Mark of the Ninja and Olly Moss, an artist who has worked on a number of different well liked games.